The Dude Code

I'm feeling pretty disgusted with myself at the moment. I don't usually get over my awesomeness a lot, but the fact that I had just ratted my Dad out to my Mom was totally ruining my buzz. There, I said it. In a series of unfortunate misunderstandings, I ended up telling on my Dad to my Mom, and what's worse, over the phone.

Every guy knows there are some things one dude simply does NOT do to another. Ratting out to a female is probably somewhere near the top of that list. If you're in that class of the human race that's got a pea-shooter fed by a couple of beansacs, you probably already know of the unwritten set of laws every hombré honors when dealing with another. As a primer for those of you who don't (in which case, you might want to check your shooter for leaks), and as a cheat sheet for those who do, I'm attempting to write down these rules in order to create the most comprehensive compendium of compadré commandments, like, ever... The Dude Code.

Right. Here's how this is gonna work. I'll start with a few that I feel ought to be in here. You can +1 or -1 them, or you can put in your own rules, all in the Comments section. The project ends when (1) we get to 100 (a hundred) rules, OR (2) there is no sensible activity on the project for greater then 2 weeks. Until then, chip in, guys.

1 comment:

KeyStone said...

for starters... thou shalt place honor and bravery above lustful cravings! :D ;)